Machine Learning System Design Stage: Model Evaluation

Paul Deepakraj Retinraj
6 min readJun 17, 2023


Earlier in this series:

Machine Learning System Design: Template

Machine Learning System Design Stage: Problem Navigation

Machine Learning System Design Stage: Data Preparation

Machine Learning System Design Stage: Feature Engineering

Machine Learning System Design Stage: Modelling


In the realm of machine learning, model evaluation is a crucial stage that ensures the performance, reliability, and effectiveness of the deployed models. By carefully designing evaluation techniques, selecting appropriate hyperparameters, choosing relevant evaluation metrics, implementing model debugging techniques, and leveraging offline and online experimentation, practitioners can effectively assess and improve their machine-learning systems. In this in-depth blog, we will explore the intricacies of the model evaluation stage, providing insights into consistent evaluation techniques, hyperparameter optimization, metrics selection, model debugging, offline model evaluation, and online experimentation through A/B testing.

  1. Designing Consistent Evaluation Techniques: Consistency in evaluation techniques is essential for reliable and comparable performance assessment across different models or experiments. This involves establishing consistent data splitting strategies, such as random, stratified, or time-based splits, to ensure representative training, validation, and test sets. Cross-validation techniques, such as k-fold or leave-one-out cross-validation, can be employed to mitigate the variance in performance estimation. It is crucial to ensure that the evaluation pipeline is consistent across different experiments and models to facilitate fair comparisons.
  2. Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO): Hyperparameters are tunable settings that impact a model’s performance and behavior. In the model evaluation stage, selecting appropriate hyperparameters plays a vital role in achieving optimal model performance. Common hyperparameters include learning rate, regularization strength, batch size, depth or width of neural networks, and kernel size in convolutional neural networks. Techniques like grid search, random search, or more advanced methods like Bayesian optimization or genetic algorithms can be utilized to explore the hyperparameter space and find the optimal settings. The choice of hyperparameters depends on the specific model architecture and the nature of the problem being solved.
  3. Metrics Selection and Justification: Choosing appropriate evaluation metrics is crucial for accurately assessing model performance and aligning it with the objectives of the machine learning task. The selection of metrics should be based on the problem domain, the type of data, and the desired trade-offs between different evaluation aspects. Commonly used metrics include precision, recall, F1-score, accuracy, ROC-AUC, average precision, and mean squared error. Precision and recall are useful for imbalanced classification tasks, while ROC-AUC provides insights into the model’s ability to distinguish between classes. Average precision is valuable for ranking and recommendation systems. The choice of metrics should be well-justified and align with the specific requirements and nuances of the problem at hand.
  4. Model Debugging Techniques: During the model evaluation stage, it is crucial to identify and resolve issues that may impact the model’s performance or generalizability. Model debugging techniques help uncover and rectify such issues. Common approaches include analyzing learning curves to identify overfitting or underfitting, visualizing feature importance to understand the model’s decision-making process, conducting error analysis to identify specific patterns or misclassifications, and utilizing techniques like gradient-based saliency maps or activation maximization to interpret the model’s internal workings. Model debugging provides valuable insights into the model’s strengths and weaknesses, facilitating targeted improvements.
  5. Offline Model Evaluation: Offline model evaluation involves training and validating different models using historical or labeled data without exposing them to real-time production environments. This allows for comparative analysis, performance estimation, and iterative model refinement. By splitting the data into training, validation, and testing sets, models can be trained on the training set, tuned using the validation set, and evaluated on the test set to estimate their performance. Offline evaluation helps in selecting the best performing model before deploying it for real-world use.
  6. Online Experimentation — A/B Testing: Online experimentation, specifically A/B testing, provides a powerful approach to validate the performance of machine learning models in real-world scenarios. By deploying multiple models or versions of the same model to a subset of users or traffic, A/B testing allows for a controlled comparison between the different approaches. Key metrics, such as conversion rates, revenue, or user engagement, can be measured to assess the impact of the models. A well-designed A/B testing framework helps validate model improvements, quantify their effects, and iterate on the models based on real-time user feedback.


The model evaluation stage in machine learning system design is a critical phase that ensures the performance, reliability, and effectiveness of deployed models. By adopting consistent evaluation techniques, optimizing hyperparameters, selecting appropriate evaluation metrics, employing model debugging techniques, conducting offline model evaluation, and leveraging online experimentation through A/B testing, practitioners can effectively assess and improve their machine learning systems. A comprehensive and meticulous approach to model evaluation leads to more accurate, robust, and efficient models that drive impactful results in various domains.

Design consistent evaluation techniques?

What are the different hyperparameters (HPO) in the model that you chose and why?

Justify and articulate your choice of metrics to track.

Model debugging techniques.

Training and validating different models offline

Online experimentation — A/B testing

Offline Metrics:

Precision: The proportion of true positive predictions among all positive predictions. It measures the model’s ability to correctly identify positive instances.

Precision = True Positives / (True Positives + False Positives)

Recall (Sensitivity): The proportion of true positive predictions among all actual positive instances. It measures the model’s ability to find all the positive instances.

Recall = True Positives / (True Positives + False Negatives)

F1 Score: The harmonic mean of precision and recall, providing a balanced measure of the model’s performance, especially when dealing with imbalanced datasets.

F1 Score = 2 * (Precision * Recall) / (Precision + Recall)

ROC-AUC (Receiver Operating Characteristic — Area Under the Curve): A summary of the model’s performance across various classification thresholds, measuring the trade-off between true positive rate (recall) and false positive rate.AUC ranges from 0 to 1, where 1 indicates perfect classification, 0.5 indicates random guessing, and 0 means all predictions are wrong.

PR-AUC (Precision-Recall Area Under the Curve): A summary of the model’s performance across various classification thresholds, focusing on the trade-off between precision and recall. It is particularly useful for imbalanced datasets, where the ROC-AUC may not be as informative. A high PR-AUC indicates both high precision and high recall, while a low PR-AUC indicates poor performance in either precision or recall or both.

Hyperparameter tuning:

Grid Search: Exhaustively search through a predefined set of hyperparameter values, evaluating each combination.

Random Search: Sample hyperparameter values randomly from specified distributions, covering a wider search space.

Bayesian Optimization: Model the objective function using a surrogate model (e.g., Gaussian Process) and iteratively select hyperparameters based on acquisition function.

Tree-structured Parzen Estimators (TPE): Model the probability distribution of hyperparameters given the past performance, and sample the most promising regions.

Genetic Algorithms: Use evolutionary algorithms to evolve a population of hyperparameter combinations, applying mutation and crossover operations.

Population-Based Training (PBT): Train models with different hyperparameters simultaneously, periodically adjusting hyperparameters based on the performance of other models in the population.

Early Stopping: Terminate the training process when performance on the validation set stops improving, saving time and computational resources.

Learning Rate Schedulers: Adjust the learning rate during training using schedulers (e.g., step decay, cosine annealing) to find an optimal learning rate.

Cross-Validation: Use k-fold cross-validation or stratified k-fold cross-validation to estimate model performance across different hyperparameter combinations.

Software Tools: Employ tools like scikit-learn, Optuna, or Hyperopt for implementing and automating hyperparameter tuning strategies.

Regression Metrics:

MAE (Mean Absolute Error): Calculate the average of the absolute differences between predicted and actual values, indicating the magnitude of errors.

MSE (Mean Squared Error): Compute the average of squared differences between predicted and actual values, emphasizing larger errors.

RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error): Take the square root of MSE to bring the error metric back to the original value scale, useful for interpretation.

R-squared: Measure the proportion of variance in the dependent variable explained by the independent variables, indicating the model’s goodness-of-fit.

Adjusted R-squared: Account for the number of features used in the model, providing a more balanced metric when comparing models with different numbers of features.

MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error): Calculate the average of absolute percentage differences between predicted and actual values, providing a relative error measure.

MPE (Mean Percentage Error): Compute the average of percentage differences between predicted and actual values, indicating the direction of the prediction bias.

MSLE (Mean Squared Logarithmic Error): Assess the average of squared logarithmic differences between predicted and actual values, emphasizing smaller errors.

Huber Loss: Combine the properties of MAE and MSE, providing a less sensitive metric to outliers than MSE.

Quantile Loss: Measure the difference between predicted and actual values for a specific quantile, useful for quantile regression tasks.

Clustering metrics:

Understand silhouette score, Davies-Bouldin index, and adjusted Rand index.



Paul Deepakraj Retinraj

Software Architect at Salesforce - Machine Learning, Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.